Historia y Misión

In November 18, 2011 , in the building of the AG Church of Isola Capo Rizzuto ( Italy ) , the delegations of representatives of the Assemblies of God of Italy , Spain, Portugal and Greece met experience moments of fellowship in order to discuss the opportunity to collaborate in the development of our Christian nations and the European area of which we are part. After the greeting of brother Felice Antonio Loria , president of the Assemblies of God in Italy , the presidents of the other national AG have shown the consistency and the activities carried out on their territory , in addition to the missionary commitment. It was good to consider how the Lord is blessing each work making us national instrument of salvation for the lost and the edification of those who are part of this wonderful ” family ” of the Assemblies of God In this context , the delegations decided to establish relationships of sharing and collaboration among the various national works which intend to join. It was set up for this purpose the Communion of the Assemblies of God in Southern Europe (SEAGF) composed initially by national works of the Assemblies of God of Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece, to which they were later joined by the works of Albania and France. In the future we will also invite other national works sisters who are part of our geographic area. While stressing the independence of every State Opera, the activity of this organization for the foreseeable future, will cover:

  • fellowship between national works sisters ;
  • missionary cooperation ;
  • the invitation of the representatives of the works forming part of the National SEAGF at various national meetings ;
  • common pastoral conferences ;
  • the exchange of theological and doctrinal literature and possible joint production ;
  • permission to use the material of the journals of the National Works in order to publish it in those forming part of the Works SEAGF ;
  • the exchange of teachers for teaching in various national Bible schools ;
  • the share of national programs, study and implement common strategies for evangelization.

While waiting for the glorious return of Christ, we want to combine our strengths and continue to fulfill the Great Commission left to us by our beloved Master Jesus Christ : “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Spirit Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you . And behold, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the age“(Matthew 28:19,20).